Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sonny is proud of his brother teaching him how to jump off the bridge   Lewis  is proud of becoming a student leader in Riverdale school. I am proud of  Sonny teaching me how to use scratch.


Monday, September 23, 2019

my speech 2019

Name:Logan. Title What do I want to be in the future? A billionaire Introduction Hi my name is Logan my speech is about What I want to be in the future. I knew ever since the age of five that I wanted to become a police officer and save up my money to become a billionaire. Point 1 Study hard Point 2 Apply for and get a job as a policeman. Point 3 Save up my money. Conclusion To become a Police Officer you have to do a lot of training and studying and when you have finished all the training and then studying. I will finally get a job as a Police Officer and that's when I can start saving up my money to become a billionaire. I will then buy all the stuff I want to buy. What do I want to be in the future? A billionaire Hi my name is Logan my speech is about What I want to be in the future. I knew ever since the age of five that I wanted to become a police officer, save up my money to become a billionaire. Study hard Apply for and get a job as a policeman. Save up my money. To become a PoliceOfficer you have to do a lot of training and studying When you have finished all the training and then studying. I will finally get a job as a PoliceOfficer and that's when I can start saving up my money to become a billionaire. I will then buy all the stuff I want to buy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


We are learning about Eels.